The Key to Happiness is the reduction of desires

The education which does not help individuals to equip themselves for the struggle of life, which does not bring out strength of character, a spirit of philanthropy and the courage of a lion - is it worth the name?

- Swami Vivekananda

At schools, teachers are change makers. So, what happens to student learning when only one in six teachers in a district has proper training? Adequate funding can help teachers develop the skills needed to make a difference.


Goshala, a Sanskrit word (“Go” means cow and “Shala” means a shelter place: Go + Shala = shelter for cows), means the abode or sanctuary for cows.Indian shelter for homeless or unwanted cattle that often also serves as a center for breed improvement and for study of bovine nutrition and welfare

Kamadhenu (Sanskritकामधेनु[kaːmɐˈdʱeːnʊ]Kāmadhenu), also known as Surabhi (सुरभिSurabhi or सुरभीSurabhī), is a divine bovine-goddess described in Hinduism as the mother of all cows. She is a miraculous cow of plenty who provides her owner whatever he desires and is often portrayed as the mother of other cattle. In iconography, she is generally depicted as a white cow with a female head and breasts, the wings of a bird, and the tail of a peafowl or as a white cow containing various deities within her body. Kamadhenu is not worshipped independently as a goddess. Rather, she is honored by the Hindu veneration of cows, who are regarded her earthly embodiments.

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It’s a non-profit organization. Goal to build the  Sri Krishna statue and Temple at Rameshwaram, Tamilnadu, India.


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Why do you worry unnecessarily? Whom do you fear? Who can kill you? The soul is neither born nor dies.
– Lord Krishna

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  • Account Number : 054505012482
  • Account Holder's name : SRI KRISHNA MURARI TEMPLE TRUST
  • Contact : 9159779988
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